History has shown that intellectual property is one of mankind’s most important achievements. All aspects included under the umbrella of intellectual property are a testament to the potential of the human race, and provide for physical evidence of its legacy. Intellectual property not only encompasses for certain creations, but it also establishes certain rights that establish these creations as property.
Eventually, for the purpose of commerce, the recording and registration of intellectual property would be necessary to provide for recognition to those inherent rights, as well as a physical record that such creations exists. Countries across the world would establish their own systems and legislature that would govern all aspects of intellectual property. For the United States, the defining moment that would prove to have noticeable implications on intellectual property is the inception of the Patent Act of 1790patents The Act of 1790 would become the first piece of legislature to form a cohesive collection of regulations and provisions at the federal level. It also included some progressive provisions, such as a registration processschedule of fees
The implications on intellectual property left behind by the Patent Act of 1790 are still very present today. For the most part, United States patenting procedures and laws governing and regulating patents are very much influenced by the legislation and provisions enacted in the short, seven section bill that would become the Patent Act of 1790. Though current legislation would build and become more extensive in the future, the Act of 1790 provided a solid foundation that included some of the most important aspects of patents and laws in the United States.
Concepts such as patent infringement and patent licensing would undoubtedly be formulated from this legislature as they are currently applied under patent laws. The Act also provided for a distinct registration procedure that is similar to the process today. Patenting products and inventions would become an important aspect that required the protection of federal laws, and such importance is realized and enacted by the the Act of 1790. Not only would the Patent Act provide for exclusive rights to inventors and creators, but it would also allow for a sense of security, knowing that these creations would be protected by federal laws and the government.